About a Computer


At first we should to know …
What is compute ?
We know that computer is an electronic device.
But if we deeply think : 
  •  We can understand that contribution of modern science. It is a set of electo-mechanical device which can sense electrical signal and logic
  •   It can process this electrical signal according to the logic.
History of Computer:

Computer is invented by the hard work of many scientists Charles Bavez is called the father of modern computer. He invented the structure of computer at first in “1833”. His invented computer had five parts. This were store, mill, control, Input and Output. After this it has been rapidly modified and many other computer have been invented.

Generation of Computer:
Computer is divided in some generation. Now I am display this all generation
1st Generation 1942-1958
2nd Generation 1958-1965
3rd Generation 1965-1970
4th Generation 1970-1995
5th Generation 1970- Future

Types of Computer:
To properly know about the types of computer. We must need to see a diagram about the types of computer. So lets go to see this diagram.

Mainly three type of Computer:
  1. Analog Computer       
  2. Digital Computer  
  3. Hybrid Computer
  • Four type of Digital Computer :
1. Super Computer 
2. Mainframe Computer 
3. Mini Computer    
4. Micro Computer
  • Three type of mainframe Computer:
  1. Large Computer
  2. Medium Computer 
  3. Smaller Computer
  • Three type of Micro Computer:
  1. Plamtop       
  2. Desktop        
  3. Leptop
  • Two type of Leptop:
  1. PDA 
  2. Notbook
Now I am talling to you about micro Computer

Plamtop: Plamtop is a small enough to hold in one hand and operator with the other It’s also called “Handtop”

  • Desktop is a favorite Computer for user.
  • It has some special parts than another Computer
  • Now I am describing something about the parts of Computer

Parts of desktop Computer :

Desktop Computer have a CPU, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Printer, Speaker Etc
Description the every part of Desktop Computer  :
CPU- Control Processing Unit . Inside this box are many electronic Computers that process information. The must important of these component is the central processing unit or microprocessor , Which as the “ Brain” of a Computer.

  1. Mother Board
  2. Processor
  3. Hard Disk
  4. Ram
  5. Power supply
  6. Cooling fan Etc

Monitor :
A monitor displays information in visual form. Using text and graphics. The portion of the monitor that displays the information is called screen. Like a television screen a Computer screen can show still or moving picture.

Monitor Type :

  1.  CRT 
  2. LCD    
  3. LED
Mouse: Mouse is a small device used to point and select items on Computer screen.
Keyboard: A keyboard is used mainly for typing text into the Computer.
Printer: Mainly a printer used to print something from Computer.
Modem: Connecting a Computer to the Internet, we need a modem.
Speaker: Speakers are uses to play sound. It’s connected with cable.

Computer Input and Output:

List of input device:

  1. Mouse
  2. Keyboard
  3. Scanner
  4. Modem
  5. MICR
  6. Touch scene
  7. Disk
  8. OCR
  9. OMR etc
List Of Output Device:
  1. Monitor
  2. Speaker
  3. Printer
  4. Magnetic tape 
  5. Micro film
  6. Pen drive Ect

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